It's Never too late to be what you might have been - George Eliot

Friday, January 14, 2011

I have recovered!

Sooo the evident lapse in writing was due to a major computer failure. All is well now. I just received my new computer (soooo tiny) from China Post and finally have all of my files transferred. So now I am free to take up as much time as I feel like with random bloggings. Look forward to them folks!

January 20th
       January 6th was my last official day of work with my Primary School Shi You (prounounced like Shur Yo). It was sad to say goodbye to all my little kiddies, but at the same time I could easily say good riddance! Anywho, Since then I've been putzing around trying to keep myself busy while I had essentially no work for a week. Good thing I made sure that I had a winter camp to work at for January and February or I would be flat broke! My winter camp started on the 18th and generally I have older middle school students and college aged students.
             This is a very amusing job because of the amount of time I spend in one day with the same class. My first class was really awkward. There were four students (all of who did not want to speak) and it was like pulling teeth to get any information out of them. Finally I just ended up relating all of the information to myself.
My second class was amazing. They were intermediate students and the class was very large. We had a good time making dating adds for Lady Gaga and talking about Rude Behavior in China. The most amusing thing is the fact that students constantly are trying to sneak pictures of me. Evidently I'm the first foreign teacher they've had because these students come from outside of Beijing. My favorite quote was the following:

"Teacher you look like Ashley Tisdale...." Me: Is that a good thing? "Yes you have a very beautiful face" lol what?

ahaha, anyway on that note I'm going to bid you adieu, zaijian!