It's Never too late to be what you might have been - George Eliot

Monday, May 2, 2011

Really BUSY!

Hey everyone, I've been super super busy lately, working a whopping 27 hours a week!!! Haha, to most this sounds like nothing, however you have to take into consideration three things; 1. I work at a "Design Institute" as a college level English teacher, so I have to prepare exams, grade homework, essays, etc go to meetings (lol like a real job), 2. I have to travel for work IN BEIJING, some of my commutes lasting up to an hour one-way, and 3. I have to prepare for three different work places and then extra tutoring on the side. Needless to say, I'm a busy busy girl.

I actually did get a moment to relax when I found out that there was a holiday this weekend from May 1-2 so I have been off work and doing work for the past three days. Yesterday I went to Chaoyang Park, the largest park in Beijing for a day of relaxing and eating out with the friends. Anywho, I will keep you more posted when I have something that is actually interesting to report.