It's Never too late to be what you might have been - George Eliot

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Can I recap?

Hi everyone! I've been in Beijing for about 2 months right now, working as a kindergarten teacher and doing many different things. I love living in China! What more can I say, the people are friendly and always willing to help you, despite the language barrier! Anyway, as a brief introduction I will recap on the sequence of events in my life over the past two months in a quick time line. Maybe the next time I blog, I will add some more details.

  1. Got stuck in Chicago on my way to Beijing (I was put up in a fancy hotel by the airlines).
  2. Arrived in Beijing Airport with no one to meet me (I had to direct my own way--in my own lame attempt at Chinese characters--to the hotel)
  3. Checked into the hotel and slept for a day
  4. Started training for a few days
  5. Interviewed at a Montessori Kindergarten but didn't get the job.
  6. Interviewed at Ke-Er International Kindergarten (also Montessori)
  7. Attended TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certification class and passed.
  8. Was Hired at Ke-Er.
  9. September 1st - The school year started and I had children to look after :/
  10. Moon Festival happened (don't eat moon cakes, they're gross)
  11. Went to the Great Wall of China! - It was pretty Great!
  12. October 1-7th was a 7 day break where I sat around the apartment, watched movies and went out on the weekend.
  13. Got some cool kids, got some turds (the kids). I was even able to give some of the kids English names!
  14. Worked with Cynthia who pronounces her own name Cyncia.
I'll save the rest for the next blog. But for now at least everyone has now had a quick run-down on my life and times in Beijing!

oh yea and I cut my hair really short before I left! The 1st picture is a picture of me on the Great Wall after my hike up to the wall. The second picture is me on the park grounds of the Old Summer Palace near Haidian Huangzhuang. 


  1. Gabi-- I'm glad things have fallen in place after a rough start--while still on US soil no less! How many Kindergarteners to do you have? Big news here, too. I'm moving to KC to work for the EEOC! Kathy's staying in STL so I'll be back and forth a lot. So, what's your Chinese name?

  2. PS-- Gabi, can you change my email address to gmail?
