It's Never too late to be what you might have been - George Eliot

Thursday, November 25, 2010

I found Christ!

So Chinese people come up with the strangest names for Children. The best I've ever heard have been some like  Bob, Monkey, Apple and Orange, Plus One, Barbie, Lucky, and....(drumroll please....) Christ, pronounced like Chris...with a T on the end. When I first realized there was a child named Christ in my class, I nearly lost it. So for the past week or so, I was wondering what happened to Christ. I didn't see his name card anymore so I didn't know where he was. There was a kid named Lucky that I usually called on to answer questions and without hesitation he would stand up and answer them

Yesterday I was explaining the concept of Thanksgiving and I asked Lucky to show me his turkey that he drew. He was about to stand up when my TA interrupted me and asked me "ahh, Gabi, Who is Lucky?" I told her, the kid I just called on. She then informed me that Lucky was actually Christ and I'd been calling Christ, Lucky for the past week or so. NOW I know what happened to Christ, he just had been misnamed for a while. Now the real question is.....Who is Lucky? I know there is someone in one of my four classes named Lucky.....

See you soon for another blog....

(Later that day....) Good news everybody, I found Lucky today, Class 7. For the record Lucky and Christ look very similar.


  1. HAHAH Ahh the joys of a homogeneous society. I can definitely see my kids 10-15 years later in the faces of the people I see on the subway it subtly freaks me out. lol

  2. LOL LOL LOL LOL. you are out of control
