It's Never too late to be what you might have been - George Eliot

Friday, December 3, 2010

It's definitely December

So sorry everybody for not writing a whole lot! I've been sick quite a lot, including the majority of November. I recieved medical attention so the worst of it is over and I'm doing much better. By the way, if you are ever in Beijing and need a doctor for any reason, just go to any of the area hospitals. Near me there were at least 3. I chose to go to the Sino-Japanese Friendship hospital near Hepingli. There was a nice International Wing where the majority of the staff spoke English and spoke it well. Even the nurses were able to speak English. I was in and out in about 30 minutes. The most costly thing about the visit was my prescription. Next time I get sick, I will probably choose to go to a cheaper specifically Chinese hospital so I can spend even less. Anywhoooo, enough of the depressing stuff

Moving on, October ended with a BanG! Halloween! Even though many Chinese do not celebrate Halloween, there were plenty of places that sponsored and joined in the festivities! All of my friends and I went out for a night of good fun on Halloween. I was a pirate-ess, along for my good friend Cady. I realized that my roommate Erin has a secret turned not-so-much-a-secret-anymore of a burning love for face paint. She whipped out a picture on her phone of herself earlier this year in full avatar body/face paint. She REALLY looked like an avatar!. So needless to say, face paint was a part of her attire for the evening as she dawned a mime outfit. Other friends included Beethoven, David Bowie, Peter Pan and a Frenchman (James) complete with a baguette. 

So Halloween was a lot of fun, then I was sick for about three weeks, and when I was finally better and I was able to celebrate my birthday! Yes, now officially I'm an old woman at the ripe old age of 23, it's all downhill from here. 23 might as well be 25, which fully qualifies me as an adult and therefore means I might as well be 30...or 40... Anyway, my birthday weekend was fun, my friends and I went out to a club and then on my actual birthday my friends took me out to eat for dinner and for breakfast!

....thats all I got for now....I'm boring.

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